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Isabel Rita Alves

Head of Training & Team Building



Energetic, creative and visionary, she elevates people to their maximum potential and the achievement of their dreams.

Isabel Rita has a licentiate degree in Human Resources Management and Occupational Psychology from ISLA Campus Lisboa, with specialisation in Training Engineering from the Centre de Formation du Lemain (France and Switzerland). Post-graduation in Management from Universidade Católica Portuguesa, with various specialisation courses in the behavioural areas. Certified in Coaching by ICC. Certified in Coaching by Values – Gestión MDS and in Team Coaching.

She is a key account manager of major national and multinational accounts in the area of Human Resources Consulting. Was a university professor at Universidade Lusófona – Pharmacy Course, Head of the Human Resources Management discipline in the Postgraduation in Community Pharmacy – Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (OF) and for the Training and Coaching discipline in the Postgraduation – OF. Author of various articles in the area of Human Resources.

Isabel is passionate about traveling, striving to ensure that the verb of her life is: “Go”. Her family and friends are her pillar and it is in them that she finds strength and motivation for daily life. Sun and beach are also abundant ingredients in her life!